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Social Justice

Social Justice and solidarity are key principles guiding our work. We strive to address social inequalities through research, advocacy, and promoting social rights. Our approach is intersectional, considering gender, caste, class, and ethnic-driven discrimination. We are committed to creating inclusive spaces that foster reflection and collective action against inequalities.

Social Justice | 

Re-imagining health systems

ANUSANDHAN TRUST | This project aims to study German development agencies' impact on healthcare access for marginalized populations in India, which aims to strengthen public health systems and advocate for pro-people policies during the pandemic recovery.

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Social Justice | 

Supporting Migrant Workers

CENTER FOR LABOUR RESEARCH AND ACTION | Due to the sinking gains from agricultural work, millions of people in India leave their rural homes every year in order to find work in urban areas. Our project with the Centre for Labour Research and Action (CLRA) includes research papers about issues these workers have to face and to enable them to help themselves.

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Social Justice | 

Universal Social Security

CENTRE FOR EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION | The Universal Social Security Campaign undertaken by CEC advocates and aims  to raise awareness about global and national conversations and proposals and initiate a discussion among trade unions, rights-based groups, and civil society organisation.

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Social Justice | 

The precarity of the existence of migrant and daily wage workers

THE INSTITUTE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES | Our work seeks to understand the impact of the pandemic on the access to education of working-class children returning to school after the pandemic-induced lockdown.

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Social Justice | 

Examining gig work

NATIONAL LAW SCHOOL OF INDIA UNIVERSITY (NLSIU) | Our work seeks to study the rise of the gig economy, which has led to the growth of platform work.

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Social Justice | 

Dialogue on Migration Issues

ACTIONAID ASSOCIATION | In the backdrop of increasing fiscal austerity worldwide, ever larger numbers of people will be pushed to rely on precarious work for their livelihood.

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Social Justice | 

Political Education in Nepal

FOUNDATION FOR CRITICAL DISCOURSE | The project fosters open dialogues among intellectuals, students, and activists on pressing issues in Nepal, combining theory and practice to educate and inform through workshops, conferences, and publications.

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Social Justice | 

Studying Inequality in India

INDIAN INSTITUTE OF DALIT STUDIES | Inequality in India is a multifaceted issue that rears its head in many ways. Whether it is income inequality to access to education, it remains one of the most pressing issues of our time.  

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Social Justice | 

Empowering the Raji Community

ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL PLANNING AND ACTION | ARPAN is a feminist rights-based organisation working with the marginalised and indigenous community. Its focus is on strengthening them around their issues of concern. Through educational interventions, they empower the community and assist in building institutions.


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Social Justice | 

Understanding Witch Hunting: Culture, Patriarchy, and Capitalism

COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT | Investigating social beliefs underlying witch violence to create spaces for human rights-based discourses and support resistance from indigenous women and allies in Northeast India.

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Social Justice | 

Documenting Mass Graves in Sri Lanka

INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR ETHNIC STUDIES | This project seeks to document and archive one aspect of the practice of enforced disappearances in Sri Lanka: Mass Grave Sites.

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Social Justice | 

History for Children

INSTITUTE FOR DEVELOPMENT STUDIES KOLKATA (IDSK) | This project aims to bring out illustrated books written by trained historians. The books will utilise the patachitra folk art form of Bengal. The books also aim to train young minds in history writing and inculcate empathy for multiple voices.

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