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RLS in South Asia

Commited to International Solidarity

Since Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung’s founding in 1990, our work has adhered to the legacy of its namesake, German socialist leader Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919). It seeks to represent critical thinking and democratic socialism with an unwavering internationalist focus. RLS has offices in 20 locations globally, and collaborates with hundreds of partner organisations, political bodies, and individuals in more than 80 countries.

Our New Delhi office, established in 2010, is responsible for the foundation’s activities in the South Asian region, comprising India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The main areas of our work are Social-Ecological Transformation, Social Justice and International Dialogue. We publish educational material, offer advice and counselling to our partners and promote North-South as well as South-South dialogue. Currently, we cooperate with around 15 partner organisations, including academic institutions, universities, non-governmental organisations, think tanks, government institutions, and parliaments.

Our Goals

The Rosa Luxemburg Foundation aims to:


  • Organise political education and disseminate information on the social relations governing our globalised, unjust, and hostile world
  • Provide a venue for critical analysis of contemporary capitalism while serving as both a hub for programmatic discussions around a modern conception of democratic socialism as well as a socialist think tank generating political alternatives
  • Serve as a forum in Germany and abroad, fostering dialogue between socialist forces, movements, and organisations, left-minded intellectuals, and non-governmental organisations
  • Grant funding to young scholars via undergraduate and doctoral scholarships
  • Provide impulses and inspiration to independent socialist political action and support initiatives for peace and international understanding towards a socially just and solidary world

Rosa Luxemburg

Rosa Luxemburg (1871–1919) was a prominent advocate of democratic socialist thought and action in Europe. She opposed the butchery of the 1914–1918 World War with all her strength. She was a passionate and convincing critic of capitalism, and from this critique, she drew the strength for revolutionary action. She welcomed the Russian Revolution full of hope, but as a revolutionary democrat, she remained critical and alert and had the foresight to condemn the dictatorial policies of the Bolsheviks. But those who did not feel they were up to her level tended to react with fear.

Rosa Luxemburg was a martyr of the German Revolution of November 1918 and uniformed murderers killed her on 15 January 1919.

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