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International Dialogue

We encourage dialogue between left-wing actors such as scholars, policymakers, and activists. Thereby, we provide platforms for exchange to foster democratic rights and progressive knowledge. In collaboration with our partners, it is our goal to work on collective solutions for global challenges.

International Dialogue | 

Addressing the Shortcomings of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

FEMNET | We aim to address the shortcomings of the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and ensure effective implementation while advocating for a Europe-wide regulation beyond German law's scope.

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International Dialogue | 

Scholarship for Change

Every year, The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS) and the Center for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) at the University of Göttingen invite applications for a jointly sponsored fellowship for MA and PhD in Modern Indian Studies at CeMIS. The scholarship is awarded to one person each for both programmes.

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International Dialogue | 

Commitment to Financial Accountability and Transparency

CRITICAL ACTION – CENTRE IN MOVEMENT (CACIM) | In an era of free trade agreements and various neo-liberal agendas, our project partner works towards transparency of financial institutions and evaluates India's economic situation.

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International Dialogue | 

Confronting Modern Slavery

SWADHIKAR | The problem of modern slavery and slavery-like practices against Dalit women and girls in South Asia is a pressing issue that requires immediate attention. Our work aims to study the underlying causes of discrimination that lead to modern slavery practices against Dalit women and girls in Nepal.

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International Dialogue | 

Forced Migration in South Asia

MAHANIRBAN CALCUTTA RESEARCH GROUP (MCRG) | Since India’s independence, the states of Bihar and West Bengal have seen the emergence of various socio-political movements. Although many of them decisively influenced the course of Indian politics, the social context which allowed them to emerge is still poorly understood.

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