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International Dialogue | 

Scholarship for Change

Image from inaugural RLS-CeMIS scholarship programme

Every year, The Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung (RLS) and the Center for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) at the University of Göttingen invite applications for a jointly sponsored fellowship for MA and PhD in Modern Indian Studies at CeMIS. The scholarship is awarded to one person each for both programmes.

RLS follows in the radical legacy of its namesake, the German socialist leader Rosa Luxemburg, committed to fostering public awareness and social critique in the tradition of worker’s movements and women’s movements, and in struggles against fascism and racism. At CeMIS, students are equipped with the necessary methodological and conceptual tools to engage in such critique: the MA and PhD fellows will join CeMIS and RLS in the production and dissemination of rigorous scholarship on the unequal and unjust social relations governing our globalised world.

About the Centre for Modern Indian Studies

The University of Göttingen founded the Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) in September 2009. CeMIS is dedicated to research and teaching about economic and political development in modern India. Established with the support of the Federal State of Lower Saxony, the centre is part of the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Economic Sciences.

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