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RLS in South Asia


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Focus on the Global South, India, Social Justice | 

Climate Change Impacts and Vulnerability in India: Urgent Need for Adaptation and Resilience Strategies

The Report discusses and draws attention to major trends in climate impacts in different parts of the country and in different socio-economic spheres, and collates possible well-round multi-dimensional Adaptation measures.

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Centre for Education and Communication, India, Social Justice | 

Just Transition and Decent Work for Garment Value Chain Workers

The study examines diverse perspectives and approaches to Just Transition, span- ning from the status-quoist to transformative paradigms. It provides an analysis of the features characterising the garment value chain and the garment sector in India, spot- lighting gaps and challenges related to decent work deficits, occupational health and hazards, environmental impacts stemming from the sector, and reliance on cheap labour.

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India, Social Justice | 

Workers’ Rights on Demand

Gig workers in India face an uphill battle — but if they organize, they can win

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India, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, Social Justice | 

First History Lessons: Aspects of War

This book tries to answer many questions surrounding the question of war. Why we still go to war, how the natural world affects war, how can a war in one location change the way of life in a distant place, and what it means to wage war for one’s rights.

This book is the first in the second set of history books for children produced by the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata.

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India, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, Social Justice | 

First History Lessons: The Flow of Rivers

This book deals with the rivers and how they shape our history.

This book is the second in the second set of history books for children produced by the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata.

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India, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, Social Justice | 

First History Lessons: The World of Tea

This book deals with the history of tea. The tale of tea contains within itself the histories of Bengal and of Assam, of the Indian subcontinent, and of the world. Let’s unlock this treasure chest, then, and see what stories we can find in the history of tea.

This book is the third in the second set of history books for children produced by the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata.

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India, Social Justice | 

"Captain" Suresh and the Union Ship

This comic is based on a study undertaken in 2020-21 by the Centre for Labour Studies at NLSIU, Bangalore, among platform food-delivery workers in Bangalore.

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India, Social Justice | 

An introduction to the world of platform-based taxi work

This reader is based on a study undertaken by the Centre for Labour Studies at NLSIU, Bangalore among platform taxi drivers in Hyderabad.

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India, Social Justice | 

Centering Rights in the Platform Workplace: Understanding Legal Frameworks around Algorithmic Management and Upholding Worker Rights

The world of work and social engagement changed when words like ‘google’, ‘uber’ and ‘swiggy’ evolved from nouns to verbs, reflecting the ubiquity of these platforms. This change also mirrored the relentless growth of an ever-hungry goliath of a market, seemingly creating numerous job opportunities in the service sector. But what exactly do digital platforms, specifically digital labour platforms do?

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India, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, Social Justice | 

Scheduled Castes in the Indian Labour Market: Employment Discrimination and Its Impact on Poverty

The book conducts an in-depth analysis of how employment and wage discrimination affect the income and poverty levels of scheduled caste workers. It advocates for implementing affirmative action policies as a viable solution to address and rectify employment and wage discrimination issues.

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India, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, Social Justice | 

First History Lessons: The People of Our Country

The third book of the series talks about the linguistic diversity of the Indian subcontinent and how it has shaped India's international and regional borders since the colonial period. The book also explores the violence of determining 'insider' and 'outsider' based on linguistic identity, which India has frequently witnessed.

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India, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, Social Justice | 

First History Lessons: The Languages of Our Country

The second book of the series talks about the complex history of citizenship in post-colonial India, how the Partition shapes the citizenship question, the citizenship act amendments, the reason and consequences of NRC in Assam, and the CAA movement across the country

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India, Institute of Development Studies Kolkata, Social Justice | 

First History Lessons: The Partition

The first book of the series talks about the Partition of India and how its impact was different along the lines of region, caste and gender. The book also argues that there is no one-line answer to why the Partition happened.

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India, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, Social Justice | 

Inter Group Inequality in Wealth Ownership in India

This report explores intergroup inequality in wealth ownership and changes in intergroup wealth inequality. It also analyses intergroup inequality in land ownership, house ownership, and business ownership and changes in intergroup inequality in land ownership, house ownership, and business ownership.

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Centre for Labour Research and Action, India, Social Justice | 

The Invisibles: Towards a Seasonal Migration Atlas of India

The Atlas seeks to generate macro estimates of seasonal migrant workers at the state and national levels and document major migration streams.

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