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RLS in South Asia


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India, International Dialogue, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group | 

Solidarity for Survival: Cooperative Building as a Solution to Overcome Vulnerability

This paper explores the role of cooperatives in fostering solidarity among economically disadvantaged migrant workers from various backgrounds in Kolkata, based on case studies of press workers, construction workers, sanitation workers, and sex workers.

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Lived experiences from Indian Sundarbans amidst climate change and migration

India, International Dialogue, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group | 

Those Who Stay Behind: Lived Experiences from Indian Sundarbans Amidst Climate Change and Migration

Climate change is frighteningly real. The global discourse on climate change has turned increasingly towards understanding vulnerability as a priority for research and policy.

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India, International Dialogue, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group | 

Mitigating the Impact of Covid and Conflict: Empowering & Securing Futures of Children Belonging to Pastoral Communities of Jammu and Kashmir

The erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir, now divided into the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, has a significant tribal population, including Gujjars and Bakkarwals, who were recognized as Scheduled Tribes after the end of British Colonial rule and have since received affirmative action from the state.

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India, International Dialogue, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group | 

Theorising Race and Space in a Transnational Context

This paper argues that racism is a European invention instituted through the project of colonialism.

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India, International Dialogue, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group | 

The Kaibarta Question in Barak Valley, Assam: A Curious Case of Settlements in Flux

This paper tries to trace the origins of Kaibarta migration in Barak valley of Southern Assam by focusing on how the community came and settled in the region.

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India, International Dialogue, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group | 

Navigating Precarity: Analysing Multiple Narratives of Citizenship in Assam

This report explores citizenship dilemmas in Assam, India, where the state has designated a group called 'Non Citizens.' These individuals live in a state of limbo, facing daily threats of deportation. The report examines the implications of this situation.

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India, International Dialogue, Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group | 

Impact of Climate Change on Nomads in Jammu and Kashmir with a View of Public Health Facilities

With Jammu and Kashmir witnessing extreme weather events like the earthquake in 2005, flash floods and landslides in 2010, and the massive floods of 2014; the Bakarwal population is finding it difficult to continue the centuries-old practice of transhumance pastoralism.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

The Global Food Crisis, this time

A perfect storm is brewing in the global food system, pushing food prices to record high levels, and expanding hunger.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Outcomes of the Twelfth Ministerial Conference 2022 of the World Trade Organization: Implications for India’s Agriculture and Food Security

This report highlights expectations from MC12, details the actual outcomes and their implications, and lays out a path for future action, one that focuses on the political struggle for peasant unity.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Agrarian Crisis: Women's Role in Revolutionary Transformation

This short report describes the fragile livelihood equilibrium of a major section of men and women, who constitute the agrarian workforce in India.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Wind down the WTO Agreement on Agriculture In Defence of Food Sovereignty

In this dossier, we bring together a series of articles that will inform the reader about agriculture and food policy in India and the Agreement on Agriculture’s bias towards agribusiness driven agriculture.

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Centre for Education and Communication, India, Social Justice | 

Working Lives during the Pandemic

The objective of this report is to discuss the impact of Covid-19 on informal workers, the myriad ways labour responds to the pandemic, and to explore appropriate labour strategies for mitigation of the problems faced by the vast majority of labouring people in India.

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Critical Action Centre In Movement, India, International Dialogue | 

Handbook on Free Trade and Investment Agreements

This handbook maps India’s free trade and investment agreements and flags concerns with regard to their implications in various sectors, attempting to bring to fore how these agreements, in the absence of multilateral agreements, often mimic the unequal power equations that exist in the geopolitical sphere.

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Centre for Education and Communication, India, Social Justice | 

Work Relations and the Pandemic: An Anthology

Knowledge about mass grave sites was scattered across multiple sources, making it difficult to gain a comprehensive understanding of this issue. This report consolidates the available information on each site.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Indian Agricultural Markets

This report is an output of a symposium by Focus on the Gobal South on "Agricultural Markets in India: Policies, Challenges and Alternatives" to take stock of the contemporary challenges around agricultural commodity markets in India.

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