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RLS in South Asia


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  • Social-Ecological Transformation
  • Focus on the Global South
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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

The Global Food Crisis, this time

A perfect storm is brewing in the global food system, pushing food prices to record high levels, and expanding hunger.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Outcomes of the Twelfth Ministerial Conference 2022 of the World Trade Organization: Implications for India’s Agriculture and Food Security

This report highlights expectations from MC12, details the actual outcomes and their implications, and lays out a path for future action, one that focuses on the political struggle for peasant unity.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Agrarian Crisis: Women's Role in Revolutionary Transformation

This short report describes the fragile livelihood equilibrium of a major section of men and women, who constitute the agrarian workforce in India.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Wind down the WTO Agreement on Agriculture In Defence of Food Sovereignty

In this dossier, we bring together a series of articles that will inform the reader about agriculture and food policy in India and the Agreement on Agriculture’s bias towards agribusiness driven agriculture.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Indian Agricultural Markets

This report is an output of a symposium by Focus on the Gobal South on "Agricultural Markets in India: Policies, Challenges and Alternatives" to take stock of the contemporary challenges around agricultural commodity markets in India.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Kisan Ki Wayatha

Illustrative story of a farmer.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

The Agrarian Crisis and Migration

This Booklet deals with the Indian State's historical and contemporary agricultural policiesthat have aggravated the rural agrarian crises.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Climate Smart Agriculture

Sorry, there is currently no description available for this publication.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Contract Farming

Sorry, there is currently no description available for this publication.

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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Politics of Seeds

Seed is the first link in the food chain. It is the soul of agriculture; a nation's agriculture is as strong as its seed system.

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