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Council for Social Development, India, Social Justice | 

Culture, Capital, and Witch Hunts in Assam

Culture, Capital and Witch Hunts in Assam

Witch hunts are recurring punitive practices by male vigilantes and self-appointed ojhas/kabirajs (witch-fineders). In most cases these lead to the inhuman torture and killing of so-called witches and confiscation of their properties. Originating in traditional cultures, witch hunts have become a serious problem over the last several decades in indigenous societies in India.

This study hopes to build an understanding of witch hunts in Assam and elsewhere, which is necessary for human society to end belief in witchcraft and the practice of witch violence and bring in a human rights-respecting culture.

Culture, Capital and Witch Hunts in Assam

Publisher Council for Social Development
Author Govind Kelkar, Aparajita Sharma
Volume/Size 20 pages
Language English


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