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Focus on the Global South, India, Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Wind down the WTO Agreement on Agriculture In Defence of Food Sovereignty

The Twelfth Ministerial Conference (MC12) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) took place after multiple delays, and was expected to provide novel solutions to the crises that have rocked the world recently. Developing countries expected MC12 to make COVID-19 vaccine production easier, allow food security programmes to thrive, create the conditions for the increasing production and productivity of agriculture, and overall provide rules that are better suited to the needs of people around the world today.

This report highlights expectations from MC12, details the actual outcomes and their implications, and lays out a path for future action, one that focuses on the political struggle for peasant unity. It also notes the important role that civil society can play to facilitate the creation of a new global trading order that is led not by Western capitalist interests, but by the masses of people in the Global South.

Wind down the WTO Agreement on Agriculture In Defence of Food Sovereignty

Publisher Focus on the Global South
Date 2022
Volume/Size 24 pages
Language English


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