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Social-Ecological Transformation | 

Uneven Competition: The Challenges of Small-Scale Farmers in Bangladesh

A snapshot from the field: rural workers in Bangladesh

Through participative action research with local communities, the Research Initiative Bangladesh (RIB), our partner in this field, develops sustainable methods of soil and water management, organic fertilisers and pest control, as well as seeds resilient to the effects of climate change. As limited access to resources often intersects with social exclusion, RIB focuses especially on the needs of marginalised groups like women in agriculture, Dalit or the indigenous population.

RIB disseminates these findings through workshops, agro-ecology schools, exposure visits, farmer’s camps, seminars and a broad range of publications to a wider audience. Furthermore, our partner advocates for these innovative methods of farming with other NGOs, politicians and the general public to contribute to a shift in public opinion on food security: away from reliance on large companies and market liberalisation towards support for small-scale farmers, which will strengthen food sovereignty as well as income security for millions.

About Research Initiatives, Bangladesh

Research Initiatives, Bangladesh was established in 2002 with financial support from the Royal Dutch Government under its MMRP program. Its main objective is to support research aimed at identifying strategies and programs that could ensure sustainable, progressive alleviation of poverty in Bangladesh. RIB’s approach has been to involve participatory processes from the very design and conception of the research proposal, through the implementation phase to its final presentation, validation and follow up by the researchers and/or community being researched.

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